Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Back to work!

For any blog readers that may have missed it, Tuesday was born on Sept 14 and I’ve been home on maternity leave ever since.  We call him N. 

Only one week left and I go back to work.  I’ll go back after ten of my twelve weeks of FMLA time.  The last two will be part-time to ease back into it, but I don’t know if that will make it much easier.  I sure will miss the little guy!  Hopefully he’ll miss me too!  S is getting primed and ready to takeover the full share of daily parenting duties.  I don’t envy him, but I’m sure he’ll do a great job.  I’d be extremely nervous!  N’s smiles and “oh”s and “gu”s make everything worthwhile, he is such a cutie!

Today S and I (with N) went to a local stay-at-home dads group to meet the crowd.  The invite was for wives too since the holiday meant we might be home.  However, I was the only wife there.  I guess if the wife took the day off, they were probably heading out of town already.  I think he’ll go back, it is a good way for S and N to meet new friends. :-)  There are quite a few Foreign Service dads in the group already.  The nature of the lifestyle creates a lot of stay-at-home parents. 

This parenting thing is harder than it looks.  N is a smart little guy, he naps like a champ, but once you turn the lights out and it is time for bed, he wails because he wants to stay up with the action.  Even when S and I go to bed with him, he usually wants to stay up without us.  Silly guy!

I’ve started keeping a record of how I think of N each month on his birthday.  I only started on month 2, but it is a start.  When I was back home visiting my parents, my mom had done the same for me and it was fun to read.  Except during my terrible twos where each entry started with “pesky” or some derivative of it. Apparently I was bossy and wouldn’t leave people alone, following them around to get them to play with me and do what I want.  I’ve changed for the better, wouldn’t you say? 

I guess I should start following up on my portfolio so I have an idea of what is going on in the region.  Had I been clever, I might have followed it this whole time.  Reading news about the Middle East might be a good way to spend maternity leave between naps... There certainly has been a lot going on in the region in the last few weeks!

Time to go relieve S in putting N to bed!