Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Last Day of Vacation!

Tomorrow we began our drive to Washington DC. Our tentative plan takes us through Walla Walla, Yellowstone, South Dakota and stopping in PA to stay with S’s family before our final leg into DC. Although I’m looking forward to the scenery for most of the trip, I’m worried about the highways once we get past Chicago. Tolls and traffic aren’t very much fun.

It has been a great 10 days with my parents and it will be sad to say goodbye, even though I know they plan to visit while we are in DC. Also, not knowing when we’ll be back in the Pacific Northwest makes it harder to leave. Besides studying abroad, I have been in the Pac NW since middle school. I know I’ll miss the weather...I am not excited about being 7, 8 and 9 months pregnant during the hot and humid DC summer. People try to console me with “everywhere has air conditioning,” but you can’t avoid the outdoors. Hopefully I’ll get used to it!

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