Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Welcome to the World Streett Journal!
This blog will be a chronicle of the Streett's journey in the Foreign Service. E first began her march to enter the Foreign Service in 2006, a failed, handwritten FSOT (Foreign Service Officer's Test) attempt. After a three year hiatus, E attempted the new computerized FSOT in October 2009. Passing both the FSOT and QEP (Qualification Evaluation Panel) stages, E failed the FSOA miserably in May 2010. Although discouraged, E took the FSOT again in February 2011. E passed all three stages by October 2011.
E was added to the register (list of candidates who have passed all states in score/date order) in early February, and received an invitation to the May 2012 class on February 28th. E was 12/59, pretty good odds. Many blogs discuss the quick turnaround between the offer date and reporting date, however, the Streetts had almost 3 months to prepare. It is exhausting to prepare and maintain a certain level of excitement/enthusiasm for 3 months straight.
To top it all off, the Streetts just found out they are expecting their first child in September! E is not excited about the prospect of spending a hot, humid summer with a large baby bump. But the Streetts are worried thrilled about becoming new parents.
Please join in this adventure. Both E and S will be contributing to the blog, so you can hear from both the FSO and the trailing husband side. (S doesn't like the term trailing spouse, so who wrote this post?)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is so exciting! Congratulations on top of congratulations. I'm sure the adventure in parenting will rival the adventure in the FS - and I look forward to reading all about it.
